The school is located in North West of Uganda Wakiso District along Hoima road 26km from Kampala the capital city of Uganda. It is located in kakiri Sub-County, Kamuli parish, Lugombe Village along Masuulita road.


Bright future school was founded by three teachers who were inspired by the Waldolf education methodologies (Steiner) who attended the 10 modules in Nairobi Mbagathi. These were: Mrs. Namata Catherine, a primary teacher, Mr.Kirumira Mutwalibi primary teacher, and Mrs. Betty Bogere, a kindergarten teacher.


The school started in 2010 with the construction of nursery section which was funded by the GLS (Future Foundation for Development) in Germany. In 2011 the school was opened with 12 children in kindergarten but by the end of the term we had reached the total of 32 children. In 2012 the school started a primary section with classes 1, 2 and 3 with the population of 23 pupils totaling to 55 from both sections.


The school developed gradually each year adding on new class. In a decade, we have reached the total of 305 children with 56 children in Kindergarten and 249 in the primary section. We targeted children who are under privileged and could not afford to go to school due to the alarming poverty in the community

We have pupils with different background. Most of their parents are small scale peasants who can hardly provide enough care and feeding for their families. Our pupils could not have the basic needs for life at home and at school. It was against this background that the school started projects which aimed at engaging our pupils who did nothing at home other than house chores given to them by their parents after school work. Bright Future Nursery and Primary School operates under the organization called Center for Child and Youth in Educational Development.


We are working with 3 international organizations i.e. GLS,BMZ  and LBS which have helped in developing children mentally through learning and acquiring new skills, physically through practical lessons that are been taught to them like tree planting and raising,agriculture,animal rearing and poultry keeping. This has helped us to improve on children’s nutrition and managing the environment



To provide quality creative education that supports and promotes the child’s growth and health


  • To promote child, youth and adult education.
  • To promote talents of children and youth e.g. through sports, music dance and drama and storytelling.
  • To train children to live a quality life and make them self reliant through acquisition of creative education and practical skills.
  • To support women and youth in their economic empowerment.
  • To train sustainable organic farming to children and youth through further protection of the environment.
  • To offer accessible and affordable education.
  • To develop children’s skills in different talents.


  • Teaching children at school.
  • Improving on our school garden with a variety of food crops including sweet potatoes, cassava, beans, maize, vegetables, cowpeas, soya beans, onions, and Irish potatoes.
  • Planting of tree seedlings like avocado, musizi, guavas, mangoes, sour soap, pawpaws within the school garden.
  • Build the capacity of pupils through sanitary lessons to enable them acquire knowledge and skills for self reliant. .
  • Children of Bright Future have actively participated in the school garden and acquired knowledge and skills in organic farming and tree planting.
  • Improving on the diet of children through providing them with variety of vegetables and different types of food.
  • Planting firewood trees like calliandra, sesbania Grevellia and termineria on the school compound and boundaries.
  • Distributing to pupils and parents trees like musizi, gruveria, avocadoes, carriandra, paw paws and sesbania to plant at their homes for environmental protection and firewood.
  • Continued to build the capacity of the girl child through sanitary lessons by making sanitary towels.
  • Continuously upgraded with a variety of crops and vegetables like okra, soya beans, sukuma wiki, sweet potatoes, onions, maize, watermelon, French beans, carrots, lettuce, spinach, green pepper, nakati, bananas and Bbuga in the school garden.



Although we have achieved this much and we have worked hard to reach this far, we still face some challenges.

  • All the school projects ever since we started have been implemented on the school premises these include Construction of all the buildings and play equipments. The Agricultural projects that include school gardens, tree nursery, Rabbit hutches are all on the piece of land we purchased since we began the school.

The population at school has increased to 305 pupils, 11 teachers and 3 non teaching staff are all feeding from the produce of the school garden, Pupils and teachers have come up with other projects.. According to ministry of education, the school must have play grounds for both boys and girls as a requirement.

It’s against this challenge that the land we have is no longer enough to accommodate all the projects that are currently running at school and those we have planned to expand, the increasing population of learners, teachers and other supporting staff at school.

  • The school needs to be fenced for the purposes of preventing unidentified people who trespass on our school premises and Problem of land grabbing which is on rampage these days. It will help us to protect our land and prevent people with evil intentions on the school premises
  • Owing to the situation of increased number of classes and children, next year we have plan to recruit more teachers to support on the manpower of teaching our children. These teachers will need accommodation.

Therefore there is urgent need for the construction of a third teacher’s house that will accommodate the new teachers.

Some of the children are forced to leave the school due to the problems encountered by their parents like land eviction, domestic violence, separation of parents e.t.c



  • Acquiring more land for farming.
  • Fencing the school premises.
  • Introducing more practical work at school.
  • Organizing more educational tours to our children.
  • Sensitizing the community on income generating activities.
  • Compound designing.
  • To construct more buildings in order to have a boarding section and teachers quarters.
  • To plant more trees in order to conserve the environment.


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