Our vision: Healthy and educated communities with reliable incomes that use their natural resources sustainably.

We build communities’ capacity for socio – economic development and solicit support for improved infrastructure and technologies for better living conditions, focusing on disadvantaged people, in Buikwe, District, Busoga Region and North East Uganda also targeting Buvuma.

69% of the Ugandan population’s livelihoods depend on agriculture. These are predominantly smallholder farmers. The agriculture sector contributes to 23% of the Ugandan GDP, its percentage decreasing over time. The slow growth of the agricultural sector leads to poverty and problems in supplying the rural population with sufficient food. The challenges in the rural areas include insufficient productivity and insufficient market intelligence for the agricultural production, a lack of a sustainable management of the natural resources, networking and weak organisation building between the farmers.
Secondly, due to increasing unemployment and underemployment among the youth, Technical-vocational skills are essential for individuals, enterprises and the economy. Skills enable individuals to increase productivity and raise incomes. A skilled workforce enables increased enterprise productivity and profitability. Skills enable the economy to expand and grow. Employers in Uganda often complain about skills shortages that constrain production and expansion. Large segments of the population, including those working in the informal sector, lack the skills they need to raise themselves out of poverty. The economy faces critical skills gaps that threaten to limit the growth of key sectors, including agriculture and energy.
Youth Association for Rural Development (YARD) was founded in 1995 as an indigenous, charitable organization and was registered with the National NGO Board in 1996, Reg. INDR 17332616NB. YARD is non-political, non-profit making, non-ethnic and interdenominational.
The Association was an initiative of 10 founder members from Ngogwe Sub-County, who were concerned about the worsening situation of poverty and ignorance, especially among young people. They saw the need for improved education and health services, especially to disadvantaged groups, while safeguarding the natural resource base. They joined forces to be able to more effectively spearhead development in the area and improve the standard of living particularly of children, youth and women.
YARD’s main area of intervention has been Buikwe, Mukono,Kayunga Districts and Busoga Region. The organisation runs its programmes from the offices in Ngogwe Trading Centre. YARD is dedicated to working with women, Children and Youth in order to find creative and sustainable solutions to poverty. With strict focus on support to agriculture, Youth Skills development and enterprise development, YARD gives otherwise vulnerable women and young people the means to a life they deserve. It also supports women, Youth and Children to have the opportunity to maximize their potential and to influence decisions that affect their lives, including a commitment to their active participation at all stages of YARD projects.
This has been achieved through various programmes, including: Improved Energy savings, education and skills development; environmental protection and conservation; vocational training of youth; micro-enterprise initiatives; asset building & rural farmers’ capacity building; agricultural skills

Programme for development of Agricultural Economy
YARD works with smallholder farmer groups enabling them to improve their food and income security. Through the work of Enabling Rural Innovations (ERI) approach, farmers are supported to change from subsistence agriculture to farming as a business, while focusing on food security and safe guarding the natural resource base. In this programme YARD gives the farmer groups sustainable farming practices that preserve biodiversity and technical improvements in farming method. YARD also works on creating co-operative structures for marketing organic produce.
Water and Waste Water Programme
The water and waste water programme promotes the capture of rain water by constructing reinforced concrete tanks, and also supplies clean water by protecting water sources in order to meet the basic needs of the rural population and support agriculture, resulting in greater food security. Action is taken in schools and households to raise awareness of hygiene and sanitation facilities. At the same time sanitation blocks and improved, ventilated outdoor latrines are built in schools.
Youth Skills Development
YARD runs a centre for vocational training offering the possibility to learn full vocational skills in Tailoring, Brick-laying and concrete practice, Hair dressing, Organic farming and tree nursery work. The Courses are designed to provide opportunities to young people, opening up for them the possibility of entrepreneurial independence. At present 132 students are enrolled, the majority coming from economically disadvantaged families and supported by the sponsorship programme (around 85 out of the 132 students)
Adaptation to Climate change
YARD disseminates agricultural systems and techniques for adaptation to climate change through sustainable forestry, seed suitable for local conditions, maintenance of soil and water retention ,application of compost, use of energy efficient stoves , seed preservation, storage and simple irrigation systems.

- YARD has worked with 2,147 farming households trained in organic crop and livestock management. 1,475(69%) are women and 672 (31%) are men. 468 of 2147(22%) are youth (270 female198 male). Indirect beneficiaries reached were 15,029.
- 58,104 trees planted in 2,201 households in Buikwe and Kayunga district. On average each household planted 26 trees. In addition, 1,425 improved stoves and 4 bio gas plants given to communities being used as the quest for firewood (the main source of fuel in rural communities) increases every day.
- 1,531 people accessing clean and safe water from 88 constructed water tanks and 3 protected spring wells in Buikwe district.
- 732 youth skilled in vocational trade skills for employment. 48% have found employment while 32% started their own businesses.
- Promotion of Organic farming methods for improved food security, Nutrition and Bio-diversity preservation in Buikwe and Kayunga district to reach 2,147 people
- Enabling Rural Innovation project Phase 111 in Buikwe and Kayunga districts serving 1,231 people
- Opportunity for 906 Youth Employment in Buikwe district
- Youth in Agriculture leadership reaching 468 of 2,147(22%) (270 female,198 male) households

We are currently members of the following networks and associations:
- Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM- Uganda)
- Green Light Forum -Uganda
- Uganda Association of Private Vocational Institutions (UGAPRIVI)
- National NGO Forum
- Buikwe and Kayunga District NGO Forums
- NARO(MUZARDI, Namulonge)
- Agri Business Development Centre(ADC)
Our Donors and Partners

We appreciate and are thankful for the support of our development partners

Our organizational structure
YARD is governed by an Executive Committee of 5 members. The Coordinator as the chief executive at operational level coordinates all programmes, two Programme officers and assisted by an Accountant who is in charge of proper books of accounts.
Our staff
YARD employs 14 fulltime and 13 part-time staff, most of them as instructors at the VTC.
More than 20 Volunteers from the communities are engaged and assist us in the implementation of programmes, as need arises.
The Coordinator
P.O. Box 109
Lugazi, Uganda
Tel: +256 773 116664 / +256 711 542885