accredited by the GLS foundation based in Germany


Welcome to Nambeeta School that was founded in 2006 located in Wakiso district Busiro South, Kajjansi Town Council in Nankonge Parish.

uneb emms number

The school is registered with the Uganda national examination board and our EMMS NO for kindergarten is 152022 and 539349 for primary, meanwhile we are processing for our seating center number


  • It began as a small community kindergarten and primary school with a curriculum based on the National curriculum of Uganda with insights of creative and arts of Rudolf Steiner
  • Today it offers and produces all rounded and skilled education to the children ranging from 3-16 years of age .
  • Culturally the pupils’ body has a population of 100% Africans and there is a lot of bondage and interaction with the community.

Nambeeta School is both kindergarten and primary school enrolling 190 children in grades 1-7 and kindergarten from the ages of 3- 6 years.


The school has a well-educated work force teaching and non-teaching staff, which is a key to success. The school improves the teachers’ well-being and this gives a positive production that benefits all the community and providing expanded access to high quality education for the opportunities to the children in future


The academic program is organized on a main lesson of 150 minutes every morning on a daily basis for each individual class, other lessons of the day carry 40 minutes that carries 180 minutes, and the remaining 2 hours are used for the co-curricular. The subjects offered are both academic skilled and games too.


  • All the teachings are controlled by the seven arts for a holistic teaching and we consider each child individually under the four temperaments of Rudolf Steiner i.e. sanguines,cholerics melancholic and phlegmatic
  • The school curriculum meets the range of needs and interests of the learners, the pedagogy used to suit the wellbeing of the individual learners is based on organic farming and skills (hands on).
  • Such skills are gardening, which covers crop growing, animal rearing and poultry, Baking, art and crafts.
  • The organic farming that we practice, improves a lot in children`s nutrition which promotes good health in learners.
  • All skills given to learners improve on their capacity and prepares them for the future.

we participate in one million tree planting                  

Hands on skills for basket making



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