Kasuku organics and community development project(Kasuku)
Vision: To promote life through a nurtured environment
Kasuku organics and community development project abbreviated as” Kasuku organics” is a Non-government organisation located in central Uganda in Wakiso district, Kajjansi Town council. It was formed in 2004 by a group of persons which currently formulate the board, Kasuku operates in Wakiso and Mpigi district, and the Town councils include Kajjansi, Kasanje, Kyengera, Sub counties include kiringante and Bussi.
Kasuku organics deals in organic agriculture extension activities, activities like conducting trainings in food and income security, water sanitation and hygiene, environment/agro-ecology, gender and all these are done with the integration of the handmade skills like weaving, shoe making, sanitary towels to youths and women in the community.
- Kasuku has a well established demonstration garden where farmers and other community members visit to learn new technologies of diversified organic farming and fields include vegetable growing, poultry management, cattle management and more so on the cows, sustainable landuse practices, modern bee keeping, tree planting, bio-gas management and usages, processing and value addition.
- We are in an area different from other places in the nearby environment as when you reach at the demonstration farm its a place of serenity with a cool atmosphere. Accommodation is extremely wonderful as the rooms are self contained.
- Management is clear with the coordinator on top who is answerable to the board, next is the program officer leading the team of community development officers, and the support staff.
To promote the livelihood to a reasonable quality life.

Major areas of focus
Food security and income
Kasuku works with small holder farmers through groups of 20-25 farmers enabling them to improve their food and income security. Through the various trainings in organic farming and animal husbandry practices, farmers are empowered to work upon their most pressing needs of their communities while preserving and protecting natural resources (agro-ecology). In a bid to reduce exploitation of farmers by middlemen, we train farmers to about market research and then market collectively.
On income, we train farmers on how they can raise own income through using the different approaches of saving and lending to be able to reduce the exploitation of banks and money lender through high interest rates.

Value addition and processing
Kasuku trains farmers on how they can add value and process the agricultural products into other finished marketable products, here product like yorghut, juices, flour, tomato sauce and many others.

Water, sanitation and hygiene
Kasuku promote domestic and communal rain water harvesting, through the construction of bricks and cement tanks, springs/well protected to provide clean and safe water supply to the community members to avoid members sharing water and animals. Water runoff is further harvested through the construction of mini-dams at household level. On promoting sanitation and hygiene we conduct sensitization and trainings in different sanitation facilities like plate stands, latrines at household level, Tip tap to help farmers wash hands after using the latrine.

Environmental protection and conservation
Kasuku sensitizes communities on environmental issues and provides training in establishing tree nurseries and construction of improved fuel saving stoves (lorena). Trainings tree planting and putting more emphasis on indigenous trees.